Trying to lose weight but struggling?

Trying to lose weight but struggling?

March 23, 2024

3 hormones that may be affecting your progress.
▪️Ghrelin = Hunger Hormone
▪️Leptin = Full Hormone
▪️Cortisol = Stress Hormone
If your Ghrelin hormone is too HIGH that’s going to make you constantly feel hungry.
If your Leptin hormone is too LOW you’re not going to feel full as quick as normal which may result in too many calories.
If your cortisol is too HIGH it puts your body is fight and flight mode which effects our metabolism, moods, digestion, and even sleep.
The best TWO things we can do to help rebalance these hormones are…..
◾️ Day & Night Drops 🙌🏻
◾️ Sleep 🙌🏻
If you are constantly hungry and don’t know why…. This could be the reason and we can help YOU 🫶
Trying to lose weight but struggling?
3 hormones that may be effecting your progress.
▪️Ghrelin = Hunger Hormone
▪️Leptin = Full Hormone
▪️Cortisol = Stress Hormone
If your Ghrelin hormone is too HIGH that’s going to make you constantly feel hungry.
If your Leptin hormone is too LOW you’re not going to feel full as quick as normal which may result in too many calories.
If your cortisol is too HIGH it puts your body is fight and flight mode which effects our metabolism, moods, digestion, and even sleep.
The best TWO things we can do to help rebalance these hormones are…..
◾️ Day & Night Drops 🙌🏻
◾️ Sleep 🙌🏻
If you are constantly hungry and don’t know why…. This could be the reason and we can help YOU 🫶
or email: for more information